Our Story

The inspiration behind founding SRB Footwear Pvt. Ltd. stems from a deep-seated passion for creating footwear that goes beyond mere functionality. We envision a brand that prioritizes comfort, style, and quality in every step, literally. In a world where comfort should not compromise style, and vice versa, SRB Footwear aims to strike the perfect balance.

About the Company

SRB Footwear Pvt. Ltd. is a pioneering footwear manufacturing company dedicated to crafting a wide range of products that redefine comfort, style, and quality. Established with a passion for footwear innovation, SRB Footwear aims to cater to the diverse needs of customers by offering an extensive collection of sleepers, hawai chappals, and EVA/PU footwear.

Supreme Comfort

Crafted with plush materials and ergonomic design, our slippers offer unparalleled comfort for men, women, and kids alike.


Each pair of our slippers is thoughtfully crafted to minimize environmental footprint, ensuring a smaller ecological impact with every step taken.

Versatile Style

From cozy home lounging to casual outings, our slippers for all ages come in a variety of trendy designs and colors to suit every taste.


At SRB Footwear Pvt. Ltd., our mission is to redefine the footwear experience by blending innovation, craftsmanship, and social responsibility. Our core objectives reflect our commitment to creating a positive impact on individuals, communities, and the environment.


At SRB Footwear Pvt. Ltd., our overarching aim is to establish ourselves as a premier footwear brand synonymous with comfort, style, and unwavering quality. We are driven by a set of core objectives that guide our business strategy, product development, and overall mission.

Highlighting Our Signature Features: Style, Comfort, Quality

Explore the core of SRB Footwear: stylish designs, unparalleled comfort, and exceptional quality, crafted to enhance every step you take.


Ergonomic Design

Prioritizing foot health with footwear shaped for optimal support and comfort.


Eco-Friendly Materials

Committed to sustainability through the use of environmentally responsible materials.


Versatile Style

Offering a diverse range of designs suitable for various occasions and lifestyles.


Advanced Durability

Constructed with high-quality materials to ensure long-lasting wear and performance.

Core Values of the Company

Customer-Centric Excellence:

We prioritize the satisfaction of our customers above all else. Our commitment is to consistently deliver footwear that exceeds expectations in terms of comfort, style, and quality.
Innovation and Creativity:

We embrace a culture of continuous innovation and creativity, pushing the boundaries of design and technology to stay at the forefront of the footwear industry.

Quality Craftsmanship:

Upholding the highest standards of craftsmanship is at the core of our values. Each pair of SRB footwear reflects precision, attention to detail, and superior quality.

Environmental Responsibility:

We are dedicated to sustainable practices and environmental conservation. Our values include minimizing our ecological footprint, using eco-friendly materials, and actively contributing to a greener planet.
Diversity and Inclusivity:

We celebrate diversity by offering a wide range of footwear that caters to individuals of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Our values include creating an inclusive brand that resonates with a global audience.

Community Empowerment:

We value the communities where we operate and are committed to contributing positively to their development. Our core values include creating job opportunities, supporting skill development, and engaging in initiatives that uplift local communities.

Global Recognition and Trust:

We aim to establish SRB Footwear as a globally recognized and trusted brand. Our values include maintaining the highest standards of integrity, reliability, and transparency in all our business endeavors.

Employee Well-being and Growth:

We recognize the importance of our employees in achieving success. Our values include creating a positive and inclusive work environment that fosters personal and professional growth, and ensuring the well-being of our dedicated team.

Team Collaboration:

We believe in the power of collaboration. Our values emphasize teamwork, open communication, and mutual respect, fostering a collaborative environment that encourages sharing ideas and expertise.

Continuous Learning:

SRB Footwear values a culture of continuous learning. We encourage our team to stay curious, embrace new challenges, and actively seek opportunities for personal and professional development.

Adaptability and Agility:

In a dynamic market, our values include adaptability and agility. We are committed to staying flexible and responsive to changing trends, customer needs, and industry dynamics.

Passion for Footwear:

Our core values reflect a genuine passion for footwear. This passion drives our dedication to creating products that not only meet functional needs but also bring joy and confidence to those who wear them.

These core values form the foundation of SRB Footwear Pvt. Ltd., guiding our decisions, actions, and aspirations as we strive to make a positive impact on individuals, communities, and the world.

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